Recording Arp Frique for Red Bull Music Live Stream
For my very first session at Red Bull Studios as Assistant Recording Engineer, I had to set up the microphones for Arp Frique, a band that had soooo many members and I was lucky that I had Rinus, another engineer there to guide me :-) So many cables, so many different kinds of mic stands and microphones.. my head was definitely getting overloaded!
Photo above: the sound check, the day before the live stream.
Photo below: the mess in the live room!
The next evening, I couldn’t be there at the live stream itself, but managed to watch it live from Facebook, which got 100k views!
Re-live the session and watch below:
Or if you prefer to give YouTubea few more views, click here.
Here's the list of mics and pre-amps we used:
Room L: Coles 4038 Ribbon Microphone
Room R: Coles 4038 Ribbon Microphone
Flute: Zender | Blue
Voc 1 M: Sennheiser SM58 | 1073LB
Voc 2 AB: Sennheiser SM7B | GR-1
Voc 3 Niels: Sennheiser SM7B | GR-2
SH2000: J48 | D4
Perc OH L: AKG C414 | 710-1
Perc OH R: AKG 414 | 710-2
Conga L: Sennheiser MD421
Conga R: Sennheiser MD421
Timb L: Sennheiser MD421 Bottom
Timb R: Sennheiser MD421 Bottom
GTR: Sennheiser MD421U | API-2
Bass DI: Avalon (4) | LA610 |
OH: Neumann U67 | Neve-1
Kick: Sennheiser Beta 52 | API-1
Snare top: AKG C414 | Neve-2
Snare bot: Sennheiser SM57
HH: AKG 451
Tom 1: Sennheiser e904
Tom 2: Sennheiser e904
Floor: Sennheiser MD421
Voc 4 Bass: Sennheiser SM7B | GR-3
Voc 5 Ld Vox: Sennheiser SM7B
Voc Jasper: Sennheiser SM58
ARP: JDI | 710-3
Solina: JDI | 710-4
Sampler: L JDI
Sampler: R JDI
Recording & mix engineer: Thomas van Opstal
Assistant recording engineers: Rinus van Diemen, Janice Wong
Studio manager: Jasper Djosa
Red Bull Studios Amsterdam
Official website: http://www.redbullstudios.com/amsterdam/studio
Address: Atlantisplein 1, 1093 NE Amsterdam